
Humanity Space

A space to celebrate the beauty, majesty and diversity of humanity on planet Earth. Here an ambiance of wonder and awe is created by exquisitely beautiful photos, displays or exhibits of human beings at home, work and play in all corners of the world. It could be designed in an amphitheater style where students could sit on tiered benches. It could be set up like a museum with pathways to different exhibits. There could be space for smart board or web connected projection screen. The space also would feature maps and globes to help students learn the names of places on the planet they are interested in, or to help teachers who are leading a particular lesson. It would be illuminated by lighting that fosters an atmosphere of inspiration and beauty, and which is adjustable depending on the activity.

This space would celebrate the human family and its purpose is for the study of the earth as a planet, the evolution of life on earth, achievements, constructions and inventions of humankind the cultural and religious diversity of the peoples of the world. The aim would be for students to regularly visit this space, and in so doing coming to a deep appreciation of the stunning diversity of our human family, so that they are can much better understand our common heritage, envision an equitably just and shared future, and be inspired to take personal responsibility for realizing that future.

Posted in: Indoor Spaces, Main Ideas, Indoor Spaces Subcategory 1

Harmony Studio

The studio will be relatively open, with supplies and musical instruments easily accessible in one part of the space or in an adjacent space. This space will be dedicated to self-exploration and expression through sound, rhythm and song.  The goal of the Harmony Studio is to bring students into a greater awareness and appreciation of the impact music has upon our lives and on our growth as human beings.

Posted in: Indoor Spaces, Main Ideas, Indoor Spaces Subcategory 2

Forest Playground

The Forest Playground is a nature play space that includes walking trails and natural play equipment that blends into the forest. The students will have daily access to space, and it will be designed to have minimal impact on the trees and other natural, local plant growth. The students will have opportunities to build bird houses and feeders to also encourage birds to nest and share the forest home.

Posted in: Outdoor Spaces, Main Ideas, Outdoor Spaces Subcategory 2

Fitness Program

A rethinking of Fitness in terms of fostering a sound body and a sound mind. The body is the vessel of the spirit. Being physically fit allows one to live fully and deeply and focus on having a healthy vehicle throughout their lives.

Posted in: Program, Main Ideas, Program Subcategory 2

Ethics Program

“The measure of a man is what he does with power.” – Plato. Students learn what it means to be a good person or citizen, to live a life of virtue, and to work toward the common good. Students must also learn how to develop a personal ethical code.

Posted in: Program, Main Ideas, Program Subcategory 1

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